Create analysis pipeline

Consider parseq_XES_scan and parseq_XAS as examples for the development steps described below.

Centralized facilities

Nodes and transformations

 A pipeline for data processing of XAS spectra. This pipeline has multiple entry nodes and three fitting routines.

 A pipeline for data processing of XAS spectra. This pipeline has multiple entry nodes and three fitting routines.

An analysis pipeline consists of data nodes and transformations that connect the nodes, see an example on the right.

Data nodes define array names that will appear as attributes of data objects, e.g as item.x, with x being an attribute of a data object item. The array values will be read from files or calculated from other arrays. The pipeline can be used with or without GUI widgets. In the former case, the defined node arrays will appear in the node plot: 1D, 2D or 3D (a stack of 2D plots).

 EXAFS data arranged in a tree. The item tooltips present data flow information, array sizes and error messages.

 EXAFS data arranged in a tree. The item tooltips present data flow information, array sizes and error messages.

The data tree model (as in the Qt’s Model/View Programming concept) is a single object throughout the pipeline. In contrast, data tree widgets, see an example on the left, are present in each data node, not as a single tree instance, with the idea also to serve as a plot legend. Data can be rearranged by the user: ordered, renamed, grouped and removed. User selection in the data model is common for all transformation nodes. For 1D data, the line color is the same in all data nodes. 1D data plotting can optionally be done for several curves simultaneously: being selected either dynamically (via mouse selection) or statically (via check boxes). 2D and 3D data plotting is always done for one selected data object.

Each transformation class defines a dictionary of transformation parameters and default values for them. It also defines a static method that calculates data arrays. The transformation parameters will be attributed to each data object. The parameter values are supposed to be changed in GUI widgets. This change can be done simultaneously for one or several active data objects. Alternatively, any parameter can be copied to one or several later selected data.

Each transformation can optionally define the number of threads or processes that will start in parallel to run the transformation of several data items. The multiprocessing python API requires the main transformation method as a static or class method (not an instance method). Additionally, for the sake of inter-process data transfer in multiprocessing, all input and output arrays have to be added to inArrays and outArrays lists (attributes of the transformation class).

 An example of the apply/reset popup menu on a control element.

 An example of the apply/reset popup menu on a control element.

In the pipeline GUI widgets, all interactive GUI elements can be registered using a few dedicated methods of the base class PropWidget. The registration will enable (a) automatic GUI update from the active data and will run transformations given the updated GUI elements, so no signal slots are typically required. The registration will also enable (b) copying transformation parameters to other data by means of popup menus on each GUI element, see on the right.

The transformation class docstrings will be built by ParSeq at the application strat up time using Sphinx into an html file and will be displayed in a help panel close to the transformation widget.

Undo and redo


File tree views and file formats







 EXAFS fit widget as an example of ParSeq fit widgets. It was built on top of the ParSeq base fit and base fit widget classes.

 EXAFS fit widget as an example of ParSeq fit widgets. It was built on top of the ParSeq base fit and base fit widget classes.

Data nodes can optionally host curve fitting routines. Similarly to transformations, fitting solvers can run in parallel for several data items. Fitting parameters can be constrained or tied to other parameters, also to parameters of another data item fit. See an example fit widget on the right.

Cross-data combinations


Standard data corrections


Project saving with data export and plot script generation


Command-line interface and start options


Error handling


Help system


Performance profiling


Prepare pipeline metadata and images

Create a project directory for the pipeline. Create file that defines metadata about the project. Note that pipeline applications and ParSeq itself use the module parseq.core.singletons as a means to store global variables; the pipeline’s module defines a few of them. Together with the docstrings of the module, these metadata will appear in the About dialog.

Create doc/_images directory and put an application icon there. The pipeline transformations will have class docstrings that may also include images; those images should be located here, in doc/_images.

Make data nodes

To define a node class means to name all plot arrays, define their roles, labels and units. The data containers may also have other array attributes that do not participate in plots; these are not to be declared.

Make data transformations

Start making a transformation class with defining a dictionary defaultParams of default parameter values. Decide on using multiprocessing/multithreading by specifying nThreads or nProcesses. If any of these numbers is > 1 (the default values are both 1), specify two lists of array names: inArrays and outArrays. Define a static or a class method Transform.run_main(). Note, it can have a few signatures. Within the method, get the actual transformation parameters from the dictionary data.transformParams and the defined data arrays as attributes of data, e.g. data.x.

For expensive transformations, you should update the progress status.

For accessing arrays of other data objects, use a different signature of Transform.run_main() that contains the allData argument. Note that in this case multiprocessing is not possible.

Make GUI widgets

The widgets that control transformation parameters are descendants of PropWidget. The main methods of that class are PropWidget.registerPropWidget() and PropWidget.registerPropGroup(). They use the Qt signal/slot mechanism to update the corresponding transformation parameters; the user does not have to explicitly implement the reaction slots. Additionally, these methods enable copying transformation parameters to other data by means of popup menus, update the GUI upon selecting data objects in the data tree, start the corresponding transformation and operate undo and redo lists.

Because each transformation already has a set of default parameter values, these GUI widgets can gradually grow during the development time, without compromising the data pipeline functionality.

Provide docstrings in reStructuredText markup. They will be built by Sphinx and displayed near the corresponding widgets.

Make fitting worker classes

Similarly to a transformation class, a fitting class defines a dictionary defaultParams, defines multiprocessing/multithreading and a static or a class method Fit.run_main().

Make data pipeline

This is a small module that instantiates the above nodes, transformations, fits and widgets and connects them together.

Create test data tree

Put a few data files in a local folder (i.e. data) and create a module that defines a function that loads the data into a data tree, defines suitable transformation parameters and launches the first transformation (the next ones will start automatically).

Create pipeline starter

The starter should understand command line arguments and prepare options for loading the test data and to run the pipeline with and without GUI.

Creating development versions of analysis application

Copy the whole folder of the application to the same level but with a different name, e.g. append a version suffix. In the import section in the start script change the import name to the above created folder name. Done.